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Mark Trenwith returns to the Adelaide Fringe with “Express” at Rhino Room, a show that uniquely blends standup comedy with digital technology.
“Much standup can be monotonous and predictable,” exclaims Trenwith. “I strive to expand comedy by incorporating multimedia and theatre to leave audiences feeling like they've seen something unique and special.”
Mark has been performing around the world for almost seven years with his original brand of digital standup. Henry Nicholls of Db Magazine says,
“the various multimedia bits Trenwith uses are the highlights, each more surreal than the of the most hilarious things I've ever seen.”
Mark has performed in the last four fringes, has appeared in film (Peaches) and on TV (Being Me – ABC TV) and is becoming widely renowned as a great Adelaide born and bread talent. According to The Messenger his 2007 fringe show Be My Friend, was “high standard… a local comic destined for bigger things,” while The Independent Weekly, said “ull “Danger” (2008) was “jaw-achingly funny.”
In Express, Trenwith investigates what makes people 'somewhat crap' at expressing themselves with a hilarious series of observations and social experiments. “For example to explore kindness I went out deposited rose petals at peoples feet and to understand aggression I entered an MC Rap Battle,” explains Trenwith. “I prefer to actually 'do' things in my comedy rather than just talk or winge about it.”
All of this is presented in Trenwith's fast paced multimedia style that is certainly making him one to watch.
"tummy clenching, belly-aching stuff"
"amongst the best of all the fringe"
"Rhino Room gave Trenwith a standing ovation"
dB Magazine